
Benefits Of Swimming For Overall Fitness

Benefits Of Swimming For Overall Fitness

Swimming For Overall Fitness


is an enjoyable and effective way to stay fit and healthy, and it offers a multitude of benefits for people of all ages and abilities. One of the great things about swimming is that it is a low-impact exercise, which makes it easy on your joints while providing an excellent full-body workout that engages all major muscle groups. If you’re interested in taking up swimming, here are some of the top benefits you can expect, along with some essential swimming equipment that can enhance your experience:

  • Builds strength and endurance: Swimming is a fantastic way to build strength and endurance in your muscles. With the use of equipment such as swim paddles and kickboards, you can add resistance to your swim, which helps to tone and strengthen your arms, legs, core, and back muscles.
  • Improves cardiovascular health: Swimming is a great cardiovascular exercise that increases your heart rate and strengthens your heart. You can also use equipment such as swim fins and snorkels to improve your lung capacity and make your swim more challenging.

Low-impact exercise

That is gentle on your joints, making it an ideal activity for people with joint pain or injuries. With the use of swim gloves and swim socks, you can protect your hands and feet from harsh pool chemicals and rough pool surfaces furthermore it can also be used for therapeutic exercise for people with joint pain or injuries.

  • To reduce pain and inflammation: it helps to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints by providing a low-impact form of exercise. The water provides a cushioning effect that helps to reduce stress on the joints, which can help to alleviate pain and inflammation.
  • Increases range of motion: to increase the range of motion in the joints by providing a full-body workout that engages all major muscle groups. This can help to improve flexibility and mobility, which can be particularly beneficial for people with joint pain or injuries.
  • Improves muscle strength and endurance: to improve muscle strength and endurance, which can help to support and protect the joints. This can be particularly beneficial for people with joint pain or injuries who may need to build strength before returning to other forms of exercise.
  • Enhances cardiovascular health: it is a great cardiovascular exercise that can help to improve heart health and increase lung capacity. This can be particularly beneficial for people with joint pain or injuries who may be unable to engage in high-impact forms of exercise.
  • Provides a non-weight-bearing exercise option: it serves as a non-weight-bearing exercise option that can help to reduce stress on the joints. This can be particularly beneficial for people with joint pain or injuries who may not be able to tolerate weight-bearing exercise.

Reduces stress and anxiety:

Swimming is a relaxing and stress-relieving exercise that can help reduce anxiety and promote mental wellness. You can enhance your swimming experience with equipment such as the Decathlon Nabaiji Swim Ear Plug or Nabaiji Swim Nose Clip, which can help you tune out distractions and fully immerse yourself in the peacefulness of the water.

Burns calories and promotes weight loss:

it is an excellent way to burn calories and promote weight loss. By using equipment such as resistance bands or Aqua Dumbbells, you can add resistance to your swim and burn even more calories.

Improves flexibility and range of motion:

Swimming requires a wide range of motion and can help improve your flexibility and range of motion. With the use of equipment such as a Maru Swim Hand Paddle or pull buoy, you can focus on specific areas of your body and improve your overall mobility.

Personalized swim gear:

And lastly, personal swim gear like swim goggles and swim caps are essential to any swimmer. Swim goggles allow you to see underwater and protect your eyes from chlorine, while swim caps help to streamline your swim and keep your hair out of your face.

Kids Swimming with some swim gears

Great activity for kids

The kids are not left out as it provides a fun and engaging way for them to stay active and healthy. it is an excellent activity for kids that provides a range of benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, strength and endurance, coordination and balance, low-impact exercise, socialization, and improved water safety skills. If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to keep your kids active and healthy, consider signing them up for swimming lessons or taking them to the pool for a swim and don’t forget to take them there with the right personal swims gear such as e.g Swimming shorts, Arena junior swimming cap, Slazenger swim armband 0-2 years, Speedo Junior Jet Google 6-14 years, Slazenger Kickboard or Slazenger Swim Seat.

In conclusion, swimming is an excellent way to stay fit and healthy, and with the use of equipment, you can customize your swim and enhance your experience. So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced swimmer, be sure to grab your essential swim gear and head to the pool to start reaping the benefits of swimming today.


Article Written by: @uzonnabrandy

Article Proofread by: @baller_throne_official

Authorised by @mr_intensity365


Email: tribesportsstore@gmail.com

Mobile: +234 909 2197 476

Body Recomposition: The Art of Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle

Body Recomposition: The Art of Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle

Body Recomposition: The Art of Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle

I remember the days I started lifting. I was already a fat boy so I obviously wanted to lose some weight and gain some muscles, especially achieve a six-pack.

A while into it I realized my weight was not going down, I remember checking one time and I went up by 2kg. It was heartbreaking.

Something was happening but I didn’t take note of it until one day I will put on old pants and they fit very loose around my waist, my shirt became tight around the chest area the sleeves constantly hugging my arms, at those moments I realized something was changing I just didn’t understand what to call it. Years letter i understood it was called “BODY RECOMPOSITION”. 

Body recomposition

is the process of losing body fat while building muscle mass. It is a popular goal among fitness enthusiasts as it improves overall body composition and health.

The key to successful body recomposition is creating a caloric deficit through diet and increasing energy expenditure through strength training.

A caloric deficit encourages the body to use stored fat for energy, while strength training builds and retains muscle mass.

Diet plays a significant role in body recomposition. To lose fat, it is essential to consume fewer calories than you burn.

This can be achieved by reducing portion sizes, choosing nutrient-dense foods, and limiting processed and high-fat foods. Additionally, adequate protein intake is essential for muscle building and repairs.

Strength training, such as weightlifting and resistance exercises, is crucial for building muscle and retaining it during a caloric deficit.

It is recommended to perform strength training exercises two to three times a week, focusing on multiple muscle groups. It is important to progress gradually in weight and reps to continually challenge your muscles and promote growth.

Cardiovascular exercise, such as running or cycling, can also aid in body recomposition by burning additional calories and improving cardiovascular health.

However, it is important not to rely solely on cardio as it does not build muscle mass to the same extent as strength training.

Patience and consistency are essential in body recomposition. Results may not be immediate, but gradual and sustainable progress is the goal.

It is also important to track your progress through methods such as body measurements, weight, and progress photos to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to your routine.

In conclusion, body recomposition is a combination of diet and strength training aimed at losing body fat and building muscle mass.

Consistency, patience, and tracking progress are key to achieving successful results. Start small and progress gradually for a sustainable and enjoyable journey towards improved body composition.


Article Written by: @mr_intensity365


Email: tribesportsstore@gmail.com

Mobile: +234 909 2197 476


When it comes to Nutrition and Fitness in Africa there are so many myths that have been peddled. I can bet top dollar that we all know someone who has peddled this myth I am about to debunk. It is no other than; you can lose stomach fat than by doing sit-ups and crunches.

I personally detest this myth because it has left so many fitness hopefuls upset and frustrated with the concept of exercise because they cannot seem to lose that extra jiggle.

In this post, I will debunk that myth.



If you want to lose stomach fat you have to do sit-ups and crunches.


The muscles in your stomach; rectus abdominis, Commonly known as your abs will be strengthened if you train them like any other muscle.

But to have obvious abs, you must burn the fat sitting on top of that muscle and it will not happen by just doing sit-ups, crunches or ab exercises alone.

Now you might want to argue that this is not true because your neighbour who is skinny started working out 3 months ago and they can already see abs.

All they do is sit-ups.

My counterargument would be that unless you have a similar body type with a lower body fat percentage just like them? There is no way you will see your abs in three months if you only do sit-ups and crunches like your neighbour. Consider this analogy; Child A has 10 pieces of candy and child B has 3 pieces of candy.

If you told both children that they could only watch television after finishing their candy, who do you think will turn on the television first? You guessed right.

It takes a shorter time to finish 3 candies than it does to finish 10. Your higher body fat is child A, your lower body fat neighbour is child B and the television is visible abs.

I am really good at bad analogies. I hope that drove my point home. Think I am making this up? Let’s look at the literature.


In 2011, Sachin S Vispute, John D Smith, James D LeCheminant and Kimberly S Hurley published a randomized control trial on The Effect of Abdominal Exercise On Abdominal Fat.

The purpose of this study was to ascertain if abdominal exercises alone had any effects on abdominal fat. This study involved 24(14 men, 10 women) healthy and sedentary participants. The participants were divided into a control group (CG) and an abdominal exercise group (AG) before the tests began. Body composition, anthropometrics (weight, height, body circumferences) and abdominal muscular endurance were all tested before and after training.

The AG then performed abdominal exercises for 5 days/week for 6 weeks at 2 sets of 10 repetitions for each of the 7 abdominal exercises they were asked to do. The CG received no intervention at all and all participants maintained an iso-caloric (same caloric value for each day) diet for 6 weeks.

At the end of the 6 weeks, there were no significant effects of abdominal exercises on body weight, body fat percentage, abdominal circumference, android fat percentage, and abdominal skinfold. “The AG performed a significantly greater amount of curl-up repetitions (47 ± 13) compared to the CG (32 ± 9) on the posttest.

Six weeks of abdominal exercise training alone was not sufficient to reduce abdominal subcutaneous fat and other measures of body composition. Nevertheless, abdominal exercise training significantly improved muscular endurance to a greater extent than the CG.” In simple terms, abdominal exercises alone will strengthen the muscles and improve muscular endurance but they will not burn fat or help reduce your waistline.

It must be combined with adequate Nutrition that is nutrient-dense and calorie specific, a training regime that focuses on resistance or strength training and endurance training.

You will be wasting your time if the goal is fat loss and the approach is only sit-ups, crunches, leg raises and planks. You will end up frustrated with fitness and eventually assume it does not work.

Fitness will not be the problem if this is you, your approach will be. In 2013, there was another study on the Effect of endurance and resistance training on regional fat mass and lipid profile.

I want to go into that to further buttress my point but my time has come to an end with this post, I will link both studies below so you can see for yourself and begin to approach fitness from a different angle, with a different mindset.

I hope these articles at least do that for you. Below you will find links to both studies referenced in this post. 

See you next time!


The Fit Priest.


Article Written by: @thefitpriest

Edited by: @thefitpriest


Selema Enang

Hi, I’m Selema Enang.
A Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist who currently lives and works out of Africa.
I have been a Personal Trainer and Coach for 7 years. I believe that food is medicine and exercise is like the water you drink for medicine. I work with clients all over the world via online bespoke Nutrition and Fitness plans to help them achieve optimal health.

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

PCOS Nutrition Coach

BSc Nutrition and Food Science University of Ghana

Sports Nutrition Msc (in View)

Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach

Email: thefitpriest@gmail.com

Mobile: 08162254450


When it comes to Nutrition and Fitness in Africa there are so many myths that have been peddled.

One of them that could not be further from the truth is the myth that has spread about Palm Oil. In this post, I will debunk that myth.

palm oil

palm oil


Palm oil has cholesterol so you should not eat it because it is terrible for you and unhealthy. 


Palm oil is a plant oil. It does not have cholesterol. It is good for you when consumed in moderation. Like any plant oil, it contains Fat.

You might want to argue that Palm Oil is high in fat, especially saturated fat. The counterargument would be that dietary fats are considered essential nutrients in the body because they are needed to carry out important functions in the body like; serving as a carrier of fat-soluble vitamins, improving the bioavailability of fat-soluble micronutrients and helping in the synthesis of steroid hormones.

It will interest you to know that the human body also requires saturated fat in controlled amounts on a daily basis for optimal health. Because when saturated fat is consumed in uncontrollable amounts you are at risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc. 

I’m starting to wonder if I am making this up. Let’s get into the literature.

In 2016, Laurene Boateng, Richard Ansong, William B Owusu, and Matilda Steiner-Asiedu published research in the Ghana medical journal about Coconut oil and palm oil’s role in nutrition, health and national development.

This research states how the consumption of Palm oil and coconut oil has been peddled as unhealthy, but for the purposes of this post, we will focus on palm oil.

 I will leave a link to the research article at the end for those of you who would like to read it.

 Fatty acids differ from one another in either the chain length or the degree of saturation. The degree of saturation in fatty acids simply means the amount of hydrogen bonded to each carbon.

 With this in mind, fatty acids can be classified as saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids. part of the fruit palm oil is obtained from contains 50% saturated fatty acids, 40% monounsaturated fatty acids and 10% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

 Steiner, Owusu et al state that “the saturated fat components in palm oil are trace amounts of lauric and myristic acid, and a large amount of palmitic acid (44%).

It is important to note then that, of the saturated fatty acids found in the diet, lauric and myristic acid (found only in trace amounts in palm oil) have more potential to raise total and LDL cholesterol concentrations whilst palmitic acid (found in abundance in palm oil) is less potent in that regard.” 

In simple terms, this means that Palmitic acids will not raise LDL cholesterol but HDL or popularly known as the good cholesterol in the body. 

So why was the myth created in the first place if palm oil is healthy?

In the 1950s, a researcher in Minnesota said that “the heart disease epidemic was being caused by hydrogenated vegetable fats. The edible oil industry’s response at that time was to claim that it was only the saturated fat in the hydrogenated oils that was causing the problem.” 

This began all the numerous forms of anti-saturated fat campaigns by individual researchers between the 1960s-1980s. This will then mean that the vilification of palm oil originated from the west. 

Chong and Ng argue that it was done for economic gains rather than genuine concerns for health. 

I agree. 

This is what has spread not just across the West but worldwide as the ‘myth’ surrounding palm oil and other oils referred to as tropical oils. 

My conclusion is this, as with any food nutrient that is good for you, overconsumption of Palm oil and an overall diet high in saturated fats is partly the problem of the obesity pandemic in this part of the world.

I say partly because it is not the only cause. Physical inactivity and a completely sedentary lifestyle are largely contributing factors to heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. 

So what do you need to do with your palm oil portions?

 As a rule of thumb, I always suggest 1-2 tablespoons of palm oil in your diet depending on what your Fitness and Nutrition goals are. I would go on with the literature but I believe my time with this post has come to an end. Below you will find a link to the full research article and literature used in this post. 

See you next time!

The Fit Priest



Article Written by: @thefitpriest

Edited by: @thefitpriest


Selema Enang

Hi, I’m Selema Enang.
A Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist who currently lives and works out of Africa.
I have been a Personal Trainer and Coach for 7 years. I believe that food is medicine and exercise is like the water you drink for medicine. I work with clients all over the world via online bespoke Nutrition and Fitness plans to help them achieve optimal health.

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

PCOS Nutrition Coach

BSc Nutrition and Food Science University of Ghana

Sports Nutrition Msc (in View)

Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach

Email: thefitpriest@gmail.com

Mobile: 08162254450

Starting a TRAINING PROGRAM at age 50… is it Possible?

Starting a TRAINING PROGRAM at age 50… is it Possible?

Starting a TRAINING PROGRAM at age 50… is it Possible?

You just turned 50 and look through photos of your younger self and wonder where that guy went and how my stomach and waistline went out of control, or perhaps you have had some medical condition that has awakened you to the reality of improving your physical fitness. You are wondering if it’s even possible to start a workout routine at 50 and above, well the answer… YES, it is.

Starting a new fitness routine at any age can be intimidating, but it’s never too late to make a positive change. If you’re 50 years old and considering returning to the gym, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  1. Consult with your doctor: your body just doesn’t perform as it used to when you were 30 years old, so Before starting any new exercise routine, it’s important to consult with your doctor. They can help you determine what type of exercise is safe for you based on your current health and any pre-existing conditions you may have.

  2. Start slowly: After a period of inactivity, it’s important to ease back into exercise gradually. This will help reduce your risk of injury and ensure that you’re able to stick with your routine.
  3. Find activities that you enjoy: The key to maintaining a regular exercise routine is finding activities that you enjoy. This could be anything from lifting weights to taking a dance class to picking up sports like football, badminton, tennis and so on. By finding activities that you enjoy, you’ll be more likely to stick with them.
  4. Don’t compare yourself to others: It’s natural to compare yourself to others at the gym, especially if you’re just starting out. But it’s important to remember that everyone is at a different place in their fitness journey. Focus on your own progress and don’t worry about what others are doing.
  5. Get support: Starting a new fitness routine can be challenging, especially if you’re doing it on your own. Consider joining the TRAIN WITH TRIBE PROGRAM, a gym or finding a workout buddy to help keep you motivated.

By following these tips, you can successfully return to the gym at 50 years old and start improving your physical health and well-being. Remember, it’s never too late to make positive changes in your life.



Article Written by: @mr_intensity365

Edited by: @fitkaytoday


Email: tribesportsstore@gmail.com

Mobile: +234 909 2197 476



Every runner starts from somewhere. For me I hated running, you couldn’t make me run even if you offered me one million dollars. Ok… that may be over-stretching it, but the point still remains I hated running and I also thought running was not for weight lifters or bodybuilders because I myself am one.

I remember trying to run a few times and just couldn’t hold the pace for up to 1k, because I got tired and my thighs and love handles just itched/ burned! It almost felt like my body was saying, ‘stop it, this is not how we were meant to go down in history’. It was so bad, that I scratched the burning/itching areas so hard, I had long trails of marks and even cuts on my body. This just reinforced the assumption that running was definitely not for me.

I started a CrossFit program with my partner and if you have done any CrossFit fit program you know you can not escape running and burpees (that blog is for another time).  With the help of my partner, we came up with a strategy that helped me not only run the first 5k in more or less below 25 mins but also run 10k whilst doing it in good time. Since then I have been running to date.


If you are still reading, it means you are ready to start running, so it is very important to fight the urge to start by running. So you know the saying that goes, you crawl, then walk then run? Well, I ran, then crawled then walked. I made that mistake and I got discouraged. As a beginner, you have to start off with intervals between brisk walking and slow jogging, not a sprint or a whole kilometre jog.

This helps prepare your muscles, joints and bones for the impact of your feet against the hard road if you are running outside. But if you can run on grass, this will help reduce the impact significantly. Gradually your running time will increase and your walk time decrease. 


When I got comfortable running, almost immediately I had some discomfort in my knee.

Someone suggested I replace my shoes with something that was more performance and running-focused, which I did, and the pain gradually disappeared.

It is important to comment on the fact that I am also flat-footed and one or some of the most common pain symptoms of a flat-footed runner is arch, knee, ankle or lower back pain.

So changing the shoes was a game changer but that was not the only difference, I added an insole specialised for my flat feet. Soon enough I noticed, less or no pain, a faster pace and better running form. 


If you remember at the beginning of this post  I said I started running because I started a cross-fit programme. Well if you are looking to complete your first 5k you need some cross-training workouts to help strengthen your muscles and improve your cardiovascular abilities as well as recovery, which will in turn help prevent injuries.

Cross-training workouts are workouts that do not necessarily require running all the time, they may include short, intense time based or rep-based circuits using a stationary bike, an elliptical machine or even a rowing machine.

(These are just examples of what I used and not the full scope of machinery used in Crossfit workouts)


Many folks don’t consider this important, but if you are trying to complete your first 5k, resting and recovery are as important as all the points listed above. Most of the injuries I have had as well as those of my partner have come from training too much without giving the body some time to rest. I will advise you to give 2-3 days in the week for rest and recovery.

During the rest and recovery, your body repairs all the tears in the muscles which in running are predominately in your hamstrings, calves, glutes and quads, which makes them stronger and ready for a better, enjoyable run.

In conclusion, it is important to recognize and appreciate yourself for every improvement no matter how small, because running is no small feat. Some days will be tougher than most, so recognizing and appreciating the small wins with every step will keep you motivated every day! Well, most days. 

Good luck.


Article Written by: @mr_intensity365

Edited by: @fitkaytoday


Email: tribesportsstore@gmail.com

Mobile: +234 909 2197 476

Staying in shape during the festive season

Staying In Shape During The Festive Season

Staying In Shape During The Festive Season

The holiday season is upon us again. We all know it, the season where we break routine and indulge or even probably overindulge. I am talking about office parties, drinks after work and never-ending Christmas party events.

The season is when we celebrate the end of the year and congratulate ourselves for the effort and consistency that we have put in all year round.

It’s not a joke, I also congratulate you on holding it together.

When we talk about celebrating as Nigerians and in many parts of the world, we take it very seriously, all our favourite foods come out (healthy and unhealthy), the alcohol never stops flowing, and we tend to go overboard 80% of the time.

You can all hear that echoing voice shouting YOLO ( you only live once). With the gathering of old and new friends from all over the world, it is effortless to get carried away.

My opinion is this, Christmas is only celebrated once a year and if you have been putting in work all year round I don’t believe one week of indulging will necessarily change a lot, yes you may gain/shift a few kilos while celebrating with family and that is ok.

In the world of fitness weight gain is a good thing, especially for bodybuilders and those looking to gain more mass and lean muscle.

I think it will be unfair to yourself and rude to your family not to take advantage of all that great cooking because you are on a ‘diet’. But it is not to say that healthier options can’t be tailored to suit your dietary needs and goals during the festive season.

Staying In Shape During The Festive Season

Staying In Shape During The Festive Season

My advice still remains the same, consume everything but in moderation. Overload on chicken, turkey, pork, beef, lamb (whilst considering slicing some of those large pieces of fat) and so on. Keep the rice and potato and so on in moderate portions and enjoy the desserts in modrate portions too. But who is to say that a sneaky extra portion is still an option? (wink wink) 

Let me also add this as I conclude, when you feel full and satisfied STOP, and save the rest for a later.  You don’t want to come back to reality with a bad habit of overeating and expanding your stomach. I know that this is real because it has happened to me. 

Stay hydrated! Drinking a lot of water during this period cannot be overstated. It will help digest foods faster and increase metabolism. However, remember that drinking too much water whilst limiting your solid food intake can impact your body’s ability to pick out essential nutrients. As the adverts say, drink responsibly. 

If you can train during the holidays that will be fantastic.

If you are like a few of us who take a break from beating our bodies up, then that occasional 1 to 3 km (or more) walk will do you a great deal of good. 

Finally when you are back, set those goals and pick up from where you left off.

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays! 


Article Written by: @mr_intensity365

Edited by: @fitkaytoday


Email: tribesportsstore@gmail.com

Mobile: +234 909 2197 476




Testosterone is a growth hormone produced by both men and women but in men the most.

Testosterone is the building block of the characteristics that make a man such as a dipper voice, sexual organ development, sex drive, and for the purpose of this blog muscle development and endurance, and bone density.


Ageing is the biggest cause of low test levels. Studies have shown that the male body starts producing less testosterone after the age of 30. Something that a lot of 30-year-old men may feel but not fully understand while it begins.

Obesity/high body fat can affect test production and response. Some medications that contain opioid painkillers and steroids have been known to affect testosterone production.

Some people experience a decline in physical performance and even muscle development stalls. For others, it can be low libido, and lack of drive, these are a few signs that you may have low test levels.


This will be a good time for a short story…

I have been training for well into 10 years,i am  always excited for the opportunity to move weights around in the gym and even when I don’t feel like it, discipline kicks in.

 I turned 30 in 2020 and at some point, I lost the drive to train, the excitement was not there, and even when I got to the gym I couldn’t do much.

let’s assumed it was the mark of the new age and there were no warning signs per say. But, I knew something was off. The feeling unmotivated became chronic so I researched more about the trend, using some of the greatest athletes in the weightlifting industry to guide me. Eventually, I bought some Testosterone Boosting supplements and in less than a week my drive came back, there was excitement again and during that time there was massive progress in my physique. 

So the takeaway from this anecdote; 

Testosterone plays a key role in fat loss, muscle development, and strength.


  • Improve your diet
  • Start strength and cardio activities 
  • Sleep more (8-9 hours)
  • Vitamins and supplement 
  • Consume less alcohol 
  • Avoid smoking

Article Written by: @fitkaytoday, @mr_intensity365



Email: tribesportsstore@gmail.com

Mobile: +234 909 2197 476



The Newbies Guide: Knowing the types of Whey Protein to buy

With so much information online about whey protein and its benefits, most of our customers walk in with more questions like can I grow my muscle with whey? How many tubs of protein can I take to start seeing results? Or even better, will my bum grow if I take it? or is whey a steroid?

This blog will attempt to help you get clarity on the most effective and science-backed health supplement in the market. 


Just like the protein found in meat, eggs, and chicken, whey protein has more protein content per serving than most of the examples listed above. Athletes and sports people rely on it for improved performance.


Whey is a byproduct of cheese, as hard as it is to believe, it used to be thrown away until two entrepreneurs started a company and sold whey to a bodybuilder who bought it because of the high protein content, which is higher than chicken, meat and eggs.

Over time more companies have improved and refined whey to become even better tasting and easier to mix.


There are four types of whey you can currently find in the market :




Unlike isolate and casein, it is less refined and packs a good amount of calories. It is excellent if you are looking to build some size. The body absorbs this type of protein faster, but it’s not the best choice if you’re lactose intolerant.


Whey isolate is more refined, low in calories and a preferred choice if you are looking to lose weight and maintain a decent muscle mass.


Casein is also a further refined product and takes longer to digest but still packs a lot of grams of protein. Most people prefer to consume this before bedtime.


As the name implies, this protein is extracted from plant sources. This is perfect for people that are vegan or prefer a plant-based diet, as well as those that are lactose intolerant.


Many people and professionals will also advise that you consume whey immediately after your workout, as this will help repair torn muscle tissue and prevent muscle breakdown. Personally, I think you can consume before or after your workout, the most important thing is that you are getting it in. 


There are no known or recorded side effects of consuming whey protein. If you react badly to dairy then you can expect some bloating and bad stomach rumbles.

In conclusion, it is important to note that whey protein is in no form a steroid and contrary to general perception, protein is not just consumed by bodybuilders or top athletes. Protein is an essential factor in building a balanced nutritional diet,  as such, it can be consumed by everyone including kids (above 16).

Whey protein is not magical dust that somehow improves physique, you have to be intentional about training to see improvement.


Article Written by: @mr_intensity365/

Edited by: @fitkaytoday


Email: tribesportsstore@gmail.com

Mobile: +234 909 2197 476

Walking; the steps towards a balanced life and good mental health.

Walking has always been one thing that people have done to get away from the woes of life and to get their minds back on track. I mean they even did it in the 1800s to escape the fast-growing industrial lifestyle that was unavoidable. Streets and towns were created with the intention to encourage walking for increased wellness. Sidewalks, public parks, and promenades are great examples of this.

But when thinking about walking, I think about my family and the impact of walking on my life…

As a family walking was the one way we knew it was time to destress, disappear for a little while, exercise, and also enjoy nature and the world around us. For years my parents took us on walks, mostly to tire out our little legs but to get us exploring the world, something I will appreciate. It was something that stuck with me and my sisters. It was something that we did to raise money for important moments and was a routine way to spend quality time while being taught how to use a map without getting lost in the process. 

If the chance came to walk a route and there were a few cool things on the way…Why not? Again the time this worked out well as being a student and not having a car, because walking is always easy on the pockets and gets us to the needed location, but with obvious travel time calculations.

With reflection walking now is almost a luxury in the fast-paced and often uncertain times we live in. We take the car for most of our fast-paced lives and forget to really slow it down, even when we have the time. It’s like when we aren’t moving or getting somewhere fast, we are late. Ironic right?

Abuja Traffic. (Image from the internet)

Walking in the city of Abuja gave me a chance to see the city from a different lens and perspective. It allowed me to feel like a part of the life of the country and to really see things that I often neglected to acknowledge. Some of the most beautiful walks with a loved one, alone or significant other, have included some self-reflection, insightful conversation, finding new locations, great company, giggles and even some surprising runs in with friends at junctions and traffic lights (and I don’t mean Road Safety or VIO). 

My routes often included the Maitama hills and residential streets as they brought a gentle hum and lull that was needed compared to the loud horns you hear in the city, with the added bonus of it being safe. It is even surprisingly cooler because of the trees lodged on either side of the streets; nature’s canopy and protection from the sun and those unexpected showers. 

Mississippi Street, F.C.T Abuja.(Google Maps)

Walking benefits

Now you didn’t get legs to just run. No way. We got them to walk and that is more powerful than some may think. Take for instance that a 30-minute walk can burn up to the same amount of calories as running and when done for longer can burn even more depending on the terrain explored. I would even say that walking with your favourite music makes it even more enjoyable. The health benefits of walking improve so many facets of our physical and mental health. 

To name a few: 

  • Improved mood 
  • More alertness
  • Great for Meditation/relaxation
  • Reduces Stress
  • Improves blood flow/circulation 
  • Improves cardiovascular endurance
  • Increases metabolism and fat burning (over prolonged time)
  • Anyone can do it! 
  • Comes at no expense 

What I take when walking

Okay, like I said I used to walk with my family and loved ones so there are particular routines and things to pack or prepare to do a walk. Here are some of my tips.

  • Plan a route and let a trusted person know where you plan to walk 
  • Check the weather report! (the number of times I have been soaked based on my dad’s serendipitous adventures in the woods in winter.. sigh)
  • Use or apply sunscreen before the walk
  • Keep some cash in hand – enough for a taxi, drink/snack; avoid carrying your wallet.
  • Take a small bottle of water
  • Wear a hat, visor and or sunglasses (if it is in the day). For this I would suggest appropriate attire for the weather- hence the weather check.
  • Comfortable shoes can make a big difference; New Balance trainers, cushion and impact support shoes are great, as walking shoes or walking boots. If you don’t have these whatever you are comfortable in. 

Want to join the walking culture to support Mental Health Initiatives? 

Well, why not start by signing up for the upcoming event Nigerian Mental Health Awareness Walk in the next coming days on Saturday 15th of October 2022 at 8 am WAT.  The event is being hosted by many leading mental health stakeholders including WHO, the National Mental Health Programme, the International Organization for Migration, CBM Global, MHYI and Rayven Strategic Communication. Participants will meet at the Unity Fountain at 8 am.

 To be a part of the revolution in shifting the perspective and narrative of mental health, Sign Up Now.

To keep up to date with more offers and events Tribe Sports Store offers on our Facebook and  Instagram @tribesportsstore.

Written by: @fitkaytoday and @mr_intensity365

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